Tuesday, February 20, 2007

our girl

From time to time, it hits me. I'm Kate's mom. There are people (lots) who would love to be able to play "kitchen" with Kate, to cuddle with her on the couch, to take long walks with her around the pond, or to rock her to sleep at night. But God chose me. I'm the one who gets to share those sweetest moments. And every so often, the weight of that just about knocks me over.
Oh, far-away family, I wish you could see her these days. She is so stinkin' full of life. From her silly games (see below) to her smooth and not-so-smooth dance moves, she's all personality and spunk. Here's what she's up to lately:
  • Kate now self-corrects. She walks up to something, say a stack of folded towels, and says to herself "no, no, no" while shaking her finger.
  • Everday around 5 p.m. she puts her pudgy fingers through the blinds and says "Dada? Dada?" Very cute.
  • Kate's words: juice, shoe, baby, mama, dada, bear (pronounced bay-uh), "I love you" (ah ov ooh), more (moe), night night, hello, bye bye, ball, puppy, woof woof.....
  • She's grown an affection for her baby dolls and uses tissues, baby wipes or whatever else is available to cover them up.
  • She sings...sweetest sound on earth.
  • She loves looking at the blog (this one) and saying everyone's name. Her favorite by far is Pawpaw. Those of you who don't know, our pawpaw passed away a few weeks ago, but Kate certainly hasn't forgotten him, and she never will (she's just like him).

There' s a lot more, but consider this a preview. To see the whole show, you're going to have to pay TeamBurton a visit. We miss you all so much!

This is one of Kate's new favorite games. The rules are simple: find something dirty out of mom and dad's hamper. Place item over your head. Walk blindly around the house. Run into furniture. Fall down. Laugh hysterically. Repeat.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


we love you!

quintessential kate