Friday, November 07, 2008

powers of persuasion

After Kate's nap today, she couldn't, wouldn't stop talking about the zoo. This topic came out of nowhere and seems to be going nowhere anytime soon as it is now nearing 4 p.m. and she is still incessantly talking about the zoo. Here's a snippet of our conversation:

Kate: I want to go to the zoo today.

Me: I don't think we can go to the zoo today. It's expensive.

Kate: Oh...(and then with lots of enthusiasm) I've got a good idea! Let's go to the bank and get some money!

Me: I still don't know if we can go to the zoo. It's pretty far away.

Kate: Okay...I've got a good idea! I'll wear a pull up to the zoo and then take it off!

Me: Well that is a good idea, but if we go to the zoo today, I'm afraid all the animals will be asleep by the time we get there.

Kate: Okay...(thinking, thinking) I've got a good idea! (I'm not exaggerating...she said this every time). We'll go "tickle tickle tickle" and wake all the animals up!

So went our discussion for the next, oh, hour and a half. She offered a solution to every problem. We're still not going to the zoo today, but I'm pricing tickets for tomorrow. She's good.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Love it! I love how little people think. I can't wait to have conversations like that with Drew...maybe I can:)

Love you!


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Christie said...

So...did you go to the zoo? :)


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