Friday, October 23, 2009

tid bits

Last Tuesday as all the ballerinas were filing out of the studio, Sam found himself surrounded by pink leotards and hair bows. Everywhere he looked were little girls and their mommies. One lone man--whom we did not know from Adam--was standing in the hallway. Sam made his way through the sea of girliness, walked right up to the man, and in his manliest voice shouted "FOOTBALL!". Male bonding in its earliest form.

Now 25 weeks pregnant with our third baby, I find myself feeling more tired more quickly after spending all day keeping up with our first two. Yesterday, I decided to take a break and sit on the couch for a few minutes while Sam napped and Kate enjoyed "quiet time." Before I knew it, Kate was staring at me from the upstairs banister. "Mommy," she said, "it's not good for your brain to watch TV all day."

I heard from another mom at Kate's school yesterday that her little man has somewhat of a crush on Kate. He insists on sitting next to her in class, talks about her at home, and has named some of his toys "Kate." I know, so stinkin' cute. Last night, Stephen asked Kate about Max, and she said "Yeah, he likes me a lot. He wants to hold my hand and go to McDonald's and he doesn't let anybody mess with me." Stephen asked me if I have "met this boy," and my mind flashed forward 12 years. Lord, how in the world will I ever survive the dating years???

Sam's new phrase: "Daddy da boss."


At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love all the stories from Kate and Sam. Can't wait for the stories from ????? (otherwise known as BB). We love you all very much and are anxious to see you again.

Nana and Pops

At 11:03 PM, Blogger The Friesen Family said...

so sweet, I love to hear about you guys!!! You are the best mommy. Some sweet kids you have there.


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