Monday, August 31, 2009

beach bound '09

This year the Russell family vacationed together at Carolina Beach. We rented this amazing beach house and enjoyed some great family time. With a few hiccups. First, with two pregnant women in the house, you're bound to have your typical pregnancy ailments. We won't get into specifics; suffice it to say that Stacy and I both had some uncomfortable moments and sleepless nights. Secondly, my dad fell ill with what I just knew was H1N1 (it wasn't) on the first full day of vacation and was out of commission until the next to last day. Poor guy. Nan Nan had a little difficulty navigating the various floors, and there was one unfortunate mishap with the elevator (I don't mean to implicate Nan Nan...she wasn't the culprit). Other than that, we had a GREAT time. No, really. It was a great week, and I'm so thankful for my family and this chance to hang out with them.

***I've been meaning to add this little tid bit for weeks now, but just now getting around to it. Funniest moment of vacation: Kate just finished up a bath when I hear her walking up the steps to the main floor where EVERYBODY is hanging out. Her PJs had somehow been left on the couch, and as she makes her way upstairs, she's shouting "Everybody stay calm! I'm naked as a jaybird! Everybody stay calm!". Oh my. Cracks me up.


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