Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So sorry, friends and family. It's been a long time since a post with pictures (the only kind worth posting if you ask the grandparents!), but we've been having some technical difficulties. Actually, our neighbor, Wanda, who so graciously allows us to use her wireless connection, has been having some technical difficulties. That's the thing about mooching off of someone else's internet. It's great while it's up and running, but you can't very well call them up when it's on the fritz and say "Hey, how about fixing your connection...and the quicker the better!" So, while we're enjoying a rare moment of internet access, I'm going to attempt to load as many pictures as possible. Now, try not to be too disappointed by the lack of commentary...I'm in a bit of a rush. And , before I lose you to the photos (as if I haven't already), let me assure you that my morally sound husband asked Wanda if we could use her connection. We may be cheap, but we're no thieves! Enough of me....enjoy the kiddos!


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