Saturday, November 06, 2010

fb meets the blog

Okay, I know there aren't any good excuses for going so terribly long without updating the blog. However, let me just say that it's tough to meet all of my online obligations. First there's work, then there's browsing the news, then there's hunting for bargains on craigslist, and then there's facebook. I resisted for as long as I could. I even poked fun (lovingly, of course) at my friends who were on facebook. And then, in a moment of weakness, I caved. I've been updating my status ever since. I know it's completely ridiculous, but what I can I say?
So tonight I've decided to merge my two online loves. Here's a sampling of my status updates over the last few months. Together, they pretty much sum up life here in the Burton home.

  • My 2 y.o. this morning: Mommy, why do we have to get out the boat?
    Me: Not the boat, baby, the vote.
  • 2 y.o. dressed himself today. He was so proud; I didn't have the heart to change anything. So....Woody and Buzz underwear have been on backwards all day long. I love it!

  • My almost-3-y.o just woke up in hysterics from a bad dream, and I held him until he fell back asleep. I can't remember the last time I rocked that beautiful boy to sleep, and I soaked up every tiny detail. Oh, my sweet boy. I love him too much.

  • Sam cut his hair, poured cereal in the middle of the living room floor, peed on the carpet upstairs, ate the baby's teething tables (harmless, btw), wrote with a marker on the kitchen wall, poured soap all over the porch, turned the trash can upside down and climbed on top of it, and threw peas at his daddy at dinner. ...All in one day. All with that adorable smile on his face. I'm in way over my head.

  • Just so you know, according to Poison Control of GA, a 27 lb. 2 1/2 y.o. can eat 7-10 vitamin gummies with no serious side effects. Oh my word...

  • Ever wonder how many silly bands it would take to stop up a toilet? We're about to find out.

  • ‎4 y.o. noticed a woman's cleavage yesterday. I did my best to explain it and thought I did a pretty good job. But then she asked "Does she keep food in there?". I'm still laughing :)

  • I had to discipline my 2 y.o. for saying "no" and walking away when I asked him to hand over the book I'm reading, "The Strong-Willed Child."

  • This morning, Kate brings me a cereal box while I'm drinking my coffee in the living room. "What is this for?" I asked. "So you can make me some cereal, silly goose! Happy Mudder's Day!"

  • ‎"I am especially sympathetic with the mother who is raising a toddler or two and an infant at the same time. There is no more difficult assignment on the face of the earth." Thank you, Dr. Dobson. I was starting to wonder if it was just me.

  • ‎It’s 2 hours past bedtime and I'm sitting outside S's room listening to him pull out and play with who knows what. That boy is a mess.

  • I love, love, love a baby sleeping in my arms. A little sad that he's my last :(

  • ‎4 y.o. this morning talking to her brothers: "In your area there will be thunderstorms and tornadoes."

  • Kate tonight at bedtime: "Soooo....whose belly did God come out of exactly?"


At 8:09 AM, Blogger Wifey & Hubs said...

Just found your blog, Kelly - you're a great writer. I think I'll link you to mine if you don't mind! Hope all is well in GA. :) Emily (Moretz) Wells


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