not so chipper :(

Last week, Kate woke up screaming from her nap because a paint chip had lodged itself in her left eye. Yes, a paint chip. And from where exactly had this paint chip fallen? Her crib. Her brand spankin' new crib. Kate is all of 6 1/2 months old. Needless to say, she did not scratch or gum the bars. We're not sure what happened; all we know is that it shouldn't have happened.
We took her to the doctor immediately, and with a little help from mom, dad and the nurse, he managed to remove the chip. Thank God, Kate's cornea wasn't scratched, and the discomfort seemed to go away the instant the chip was out.
So, now I'm all about sounding the alarm. I've contacted the department store where we bought the crib and its manufacturer (located in Indonesia), but nobody is hurrying to get back in touch. NanaDana has rallied an entire legal entourage to help further the cause, and I'm doing my best to encourage other moms to check out their babies' cribs, no matter how fancy schmancy or new they might be. Stephen and I aren't seeking millions, not even tens, just a new crib and an inquiry into the safety of this particular model.
We'll keep you posted.
Oh No! So sorry Kate went through this! Hope all is going better now! Who would have thought you'd have to worry about paint on a new crib???
Wow, that's scary....who would have thought that could happen??? Glad your little sweetie is ok.
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