We were so happy to spend the weekend with our good friends Lisa (LisaRowe, LisaLisa Rowe) and Dennis! (Don't they look like naturals???) They came for a quick visit before they take off for East Asia for who knows how long! We will miss them SO much, but we're also really excited to see what's happening in their lives. Heavy D (aka Heather) was also here for a few days, but we don't have any pictures (so sad). But, here, I'll provide a detailed description of our own Heavy D....beautiful, petite, long dark curly hair, tiniest waist you've ever seen, funny, sweet, an overall great gal....that ought to do it.
It's been so much fun hanging out with my Carolina girls. I can't believe that I met these girls nearly 10 years ago! We use to sit around in our Church Street apartment wondering what our lives might look like down the road...who would we marry? would we have kids? where would we be? And now, Lisa and Dennis (yet another beautiful love story) are sitting in my dining room with my wonderful husband beating his tail in poker. Life has turned out beautifully.
Addendum: Stephen beat Lisa and Dennis...way to go!
Did we ever make this connection before? I'm 99% sure that Dennis and I went to high school together at Reynolds in W-S. Small world, huh?
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