Rise and Shine!

It's about 6:30 in the morning, and Kate and Stephen have both been visited by the bed-head fairy. They are my two most favorite people, despite their unfortunate do's.
Quick story. Kate had a rough day this past Tuesday in the way of bodily functions. It started around 10 a.m. when I ran over to the church to nurse her. I had hoped to walk in, catch her eye, and get one of those shy, sweetest-thing-you've-ever-seen smiles. But instead, I'm greeted with crying, pouting, more crying and more pouting. Dirty diper, no doubt. So we get started, I lean over to grab a diaper from her bag, and when I come back up, Voila! She's all the sudden smiling, cooing, acting as if life could not be sweeter. I think, "My baby girl is so sweet! She is happy to see me!" And then I notice the drenched changing table. She's peed (sp?) all over herself and finds the whole thing hilarious.
I change her into the stand-by outfit I had tucked away in her diaper bag, nurse her, hug and kiss, hug and kiss some more, and then head back to work.
About 2 hours later, I decide to meet Stephen and Kate at the mall for lunch. As I'm on the road, Brent calls. We have an emergency. Kate has now pooped and spit-up all over outfit #2. They've checked and double-checked--there is no outfit #3. Can I stop by and pick up a onsie and some socks?
I stop by the house...I'm locked out. If this "quick story" weren't getting so long, I'd take a minute here to tell you just how peeved I was by this situation. Moving on...I call Stephen, and he's already at the mall. Ten minutes later, I finally arrive at the mall to find my baby girl wrapped up in a toga. Apparently, the "No shirt, no shoes, no service" policy doesn't apply to 3 month olds. So there I sat, lunching at Chic-fil-A, looking like a red-neck with my naked baby girl.
Another day in the life of Teamburton.
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