Monday, May 31, 2010

the ballpark in spring

One of my biggest worries throughout my pregnancy with Benjamin centered around Stephen's baseball schedule. The baby was due on the same week as the start of baseball which meant that Stephen would be home late every night...not good news for a mama of three recovering from a c-section. But, as it turns out, my fears were unfounded. We all loved going to the games.

I would pack up the kids' plasma cars (best toy ever) and a snack or two and spend the entire afternoon at the school. It worked out well for me...I got to sit and love on Benjamin while Kate and Sam played with the "big girls" and watched the game. The weather was beautiful, the kids loved being out of the house (a new baby tends to keep you in doors), and it was time with Dad that we would have otherwise lost. A win-win. And speaking of winning, Stephen's team did just that...a lot. It was a great season!


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