Although Kate's birthday isn't until Tuesday, we couldn't wait to get the celebrations underway! Thanks to all of our friends and family, near and far, who made Kate's first birthday party so much fun. I wish all of you could have been there to watch her tear into her cake and open up her gifts...she had so much fun! And can you believe that our sweet baby girl is ONE!?!? The year has flown by! I
do miss the tiny baby I used to rock to sleep (she's pure wiggle worm these days!), but I have to admit that one's a lot of fun!
Happy Birthday baby Kate!! I can't believe it....it seems like yesterday that Tripp and I were visiting you guys and Kate was such a tiny little thing.
I'm so glad you guys got to spend time with family AND go to Disney World...how fun.
Love you,
Kelly and Stephen,
She is just so adorable. I wished we could have been there for her first birthday but I know you all had a blast. We love you and miss you (Kate most of all) and hope we get to see you soon.
We love you guys,
John, Judy and Haley
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